Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fire Aftermath and Destruction

Amanda took this at her driveway looking toward the intersection


Thank God for the Retardant!!  Better to be cleaning up red stuff then ash.
Paul & Evy at the intersection, Paul is pointing at their house.

The fire was started by two kids that set a fire behind a Travelodge and it traveled up a ditch (in NM they are arroyos).  They are currently in custody!!  The fire took only 1 hour to destroy 9 houses and the lives tied to them.  Since Amanda's area is fighting fires, a slurry bomber was en route to one when the Ruidoso Fire Department asked for it to be diverted to aid the efforts already underway.

Amanda had just put the kids down for a nap and was going to do yard work when she saw one of the houses at the intersection aflame.  She ran in got the kids and took off to her mother-in-law's house, all the while calling husband, sister's, brother's, and anyone else that had to be contacted.

As Paul was using a pressure washer to clean the roof of their house yesterday & today, he found where cinders had burned a little spots of the roofing.  This could have easily been Amanda's Family's fate.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Watched the news and.....

Just watched the news and they call it arson!!

Ruidoso Fire Update

Ok for those of you that know My Sister Amanda Berger lives in ruidoso, and after very mild freak outs (only from me) we learned that Amanda kept her head and cool with the fire that destroyed her across the street neighbors' houses, ran inside to get the kids out, she is very safe and in good spirits since her house was saved.  The fire is contained and they allowed everyone to return to their homes tonight.  Amanda & Paul get to remove the retardant this weekend off the exterior.  For those of you that do not live in the southwest, you have probably seen that we are a tinderbox down here and albuquerque is getting smoke from the Arizona Willow fire.  So, if anyone saw the news (i didn't get a chance due to work) i don't know if they mentioned Ruidoso, but put your fears to rest regarding my sister, everyone is safe!!  This picture is just down the hill from their house!!

Picture from: